In 2024, there are three part-time jobs that can be done fully remotely and offer hourly pay of up to $90.

Is a new career path on your mind for this year? There’s still time to explore different options and take a leap towards something fresh.

It’s beneficial to shake things up in your profession by experimenting with a different work style or completely switching jobs, as it keeps things fresh and maintains enjoyment while prioritizing a healthy balance between work and life. This change of pace adds variety and grants peace of mind since you have more time for other activities beyond the workplace, allowing for self-care.

Flexible working arrangements have become commonplace lately and are held in high regard but can you envision the possibilities if two or more of these models were combined?

You can find jobs that enable you to work entirely remotely and also offer part-time or flexible hours, as well as opportunities to work on a contract basis instead of being an employee.

Discovering these jobs is akin to finding a vein of pure gold, as the combination can be hard to find.

Using FlexJobs or similar flexible job boards such as WeWorkRemotely, or is a simple solution for discovering part-time jobs that permit you to pursue your interests and talents while working remotely. Please note though, the WeWorkRemotely website does not currently have an option (at this time of publishing) specifically dedicated to filtering results by part-time roles; however, contractor and full-time positions can be filtered in its search function.

To provide an idea of the range of opportunities offered, consider the following three part-time job openings currently advertised on FlexJobs’ remote board:

1. Mental Health Therapist Providing Remote Services

As a mental health therapist working remotely, you will be responsible for providing counseling and therapy services to your clients using various virtual platforms like video calls/meetings, phone conversations or chats. Your daily tasks involve evaluating the mental well-being of individuals and identifying any conditions that require diagnosis. Additionally, developing treatment plans aimed at addressing issues such as anxiety, depression alongside other emotional or psychological challenges is an integral part of your job description.

By working from home, with the proper workspace setup of course, you can earn an average salary ranging between $66,459 to $82,125 while establishing trust and confidentiality with clients and their families. Additionally, this option is ideal for individuals who face obstacles when attempting to attend traditional therapy sessions in person but still desire mental health support.

FlexJobs has numerous therapist positions available, offering part-time remote work that pays up to $50 or potentially even $90 per hour in select instances.

2. Interpreter who works remotely

As a remote interpreter, you would facilitate communication and eliminate language barriers between parties by translating spoken or signed language in real-time through online platforms or phone calls to ensure mutual understanding.

In this role, your presence may be required in diverse scenarios including legal proceedings, telehealth consultations and other significant gatherings. Precision and clarity are vital to perform effectively.

At present, FlexJobs has multiple remote interpreter positions available for part-time employment and the compensation typically ranges up to $36 per hour.

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3. Engineer specializing in offensive security working remotely

One company posting a job offer on FlexJobs detailed the duties and responsibilities of an offensive security engineer. The role entails performing penetration testing activities encompassing web and mobile applications, APIs, as well as other important assets owned by the organization. Moreover, it requires analyzing source code and architecture to provide practical recommendations that help in fortifying digital defenses against cyber attacks while also training development teams accordingly.

According to statistics, positions of this nature usually demand an average salary ranging from $118,703 to $145,849. Alternatively stated by figures at approximately $80 per hour.

These remote part-time jobs are accessible to anyone interested in mental health, wellbeing, counseling or translation and engineering. They offer good pay as well the flexibility of using your spare time for personal growth and development while also spending quality time with loved ones. Ultimately they provide peace of mind by enabling you to prioritize your own well-being alongside work commitments.

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